Source code for aeternity.transactions

from aeternity.hashing import _int, _int_decode, _binary, _binary_decode, _id, _id_decode, encode, decode, hash_encode
from aeternity.openapi import OpenAPICli
from aeternity import identifiers as idf
from aeternity import defaults

import rlp
import math
import pprint
import namedtupled
import copy

_INT = 0  # int type
_ID = 1  # id type (account, contract_id, etc)
_TX = 2  # transaction type
_SG = 3  # signatures
_PTR = 6  # name pointer
_POI = 7  # proof of inclusion
_OTTL_TYPE = 8  # oracle ttl
_BIN = 9  # binary format
_TR = 10  # tree
_VM_ABI = 11  # vm + abi field
_ENC = 12  # encoded object
_IDS = 101  # list of id
_PTRS = 106  # list of pointers

SIZE_BASED = 0  # used for most of transactions
TTL_BASED = 1  # used for oracle
GA_META = 2  # used for meta tx

class Fd:
    Fd, shorthand for FieldDefinition, is a support class to
    def __init__(self, index, field_type=_INT, **kwargs):
        self.index = index
        self.field_type = field_type
        self.encoding_prefix = kwargs.get("prefix")
        self.data_type = kwargs.get("data_type", bytes)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.index}:{self.field_type}"

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

class Fee:
    def __init__(self, fee_type, base_gas_multiplier=1, ttl_field=None, tx_field=None):
        self.fee_type = fee_type
        self.base_gas_multiplier = base_gas_multiplier
        self.ttl_field = ttl_field
        self.tx_field = tx_field

    def __str__(self):
        return f"ttl_type:{self.fee_type},mult:{self.base_gas_multiplier}"

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

tx_descriptors = {
        "fee": None,  # signed transactions do not have fees
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "signatures": Fd(2, _SG, prefix=idf.SIGNATURE),  # list
            "tx": Fd(3, _TX, prefix=idf.TRANSACTION),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "sender_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "recipient_id": Fd(3, _ID),
            "amount": Fd(4),
            "fee": Fd(5),
            "ttl": Fd(6),
            "nonce": Fd(7),
            "payload": Fd(8, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTE_ARRAY),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "account_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "commitment_id": Fd(4, _ID),
            "fee": Fd(5),
            "ttl": Fd(6),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "account_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "name": Fd(4, _BIN, data_type=str),
            "name_salt": Fd(5),
            "fee": Fd(6),
            "ttl": Fd(7),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "account_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "name": Fd(4, _BIN, data_type=str),
            "name_salt": Fd(5),
            "name_fee": Fd(6),
            "fee": Fd(7),
            "ttl": Fd(8),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "account_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "name_id": Fd(4, _ID),
            "name_ttl": Fd(5),
            "pointers": Fd(6, _PTR),
            "client_ttl": Fd(7),
            "fee": Fd(8),
            "ttl": Fd(9),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "account_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "name_id": Fd(4, _ID),
            "recipient_id": Fd(5, _ID),
            "fee": Fd(6),
            "ttl": Fd(7),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "account_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "name_id": Fd(4, _ID),
            "fee": Fd(5),
            "ttl": Fd(6),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED, base_gas_multiplier=5),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "owner_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "code": Fd(4, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTECODE),
            # "vm_version": Fd(5),
            "abi_version": Fd(5, _VM_ABI),
            "fee": Fd(6),
            "ttl": Fd(7),
            "deposit": Fd(8),
            "amount": Fd(9),
            "gas": Fd(10),
            "gas_price": Fd(11),
            "call_data": Fd(12, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTECODE),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED, base_gas_multiplier=30),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "caller_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "contract_id": Fd(4, _ID),
            "abi_version": Fd(5),
            "fee": Fd(6),
            "ttl": Fd(7),
            "amount": Fd(8),
            "gas": Fd(9),
            "gas_price": Fd(10),
            "call_data": Fd(11, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTECODE),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "initiator": Fd(2, _ID),
            "initiator_amount": Fd(3),
            "responder": Fd(4, _ID),
            "responder_amount": Fd(5),
            "channel_reserve": Fd(6),
            "lock_period": Fd(7),
            "ttl": Fd(8),
            "fee": Fd(9),
            "delegate_ids": Fd(10, _IDS),  # [d(d) for d in tx_native[10]], TODO: are u sure
            "state_hash": Fd(11, _ENC, prefix=idf.STATE_HASH),
            "nonce": Fd(12),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "channel_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "from_id": Fd(3, _ID),
            "amount": Fd(4),
            "ttl": Fd(5),
            "fee": Fd(6),
            "state_hash": Fd(7, _ENC, prefix=idf.STATE_HASH),  # _binary_decode(tx_native[7]),
            "round": Fd(8),
            "nonce": Fd(9),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "channel_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "to_id": Fd(3, _ID),
            "amount": Fd(4),
            "ttl": Fd(5),
            "fee": Fd(6),
            "state_hash": Fd(7, _ENC, prefix=idf.STATE_HASH),  # _binary_decode(tx_native[7]),
            "round": Fd(8),
            "nonce": Fd(9),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "channel_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "from_id": Fd(3, _ID),
            "initiator_amount_final": Fd(4),
            "responder_amount_final": Fd(5),
            "ttl": Fd(6),
            "fee": Fd(7),
            "nonce": Fd(8),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "channel_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "from_id": Fd(3, _ID),
            "payload": Fd(4, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTE_ARRAY),
            "poi": Fd(5, _POI),
            "ttl": Fd(6),
            "fee": Fd(7),
            "nonce": Fd(8),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "channel_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "from_id": Fd(3, _ID),
            "payload": Fd(4, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTE_ARRAY),
            "poi": Fd(5, _POI),
            "ttl": Fd(6),
            "fee": Fd(7),
            "nonce": Fd(8),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "channel_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "from_id": Fd(3, _ID),
            "initiator_amount_final": Fd(4),
            "responder_amount_final": Fd(5),
            "ttl": Fd(6),
            "fee": Fd(7),
            "nonce": Fd(8),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "channel_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "from_id": Fd(3, _ID),
            "payload": Fd(4, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTE_ARRAY),
            "ttl": Fd(5),
            "fee": Fd(6),
            "nonce": Fd(7),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "channel_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "from_id": Fd(3, _ID),
            "payload": Fd(4, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTE_ARRAY),
            "round": Fd(5),
            "update": Fd(6),  # _binary_decode(tx_native[2]),
            "state_hash": Fd(7, _ENC, prefix=idf.STATE_HASH),  # _binary_decode(tx_native[2]),
            "offchain_trees": Fd(8, _TR),  # TODO: implement support for _trees
            "ttl": Fd(2),
            "fee": Fd(2),
            "nonce": Fd(2),
        "fee": Fee(TTL_BASED, ttl_field="oracle_ttl_value"),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "account_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "query_format": Fd(4, _BIN),  # _binary_decode(tx_native[4]), TODO: verify the type
            "response_format": Fd(5, _BIN),  # _binary_decode(tx_native[5]),
            "query_fee": Fd(6),
            "oracle_ttl_type": Fd(7, _OTTL_TYPE),
            "oracle_ttl_value": Fd(8),
            "fee": Fd(9),
            "ttl": Fd(10),
            "vm_version": Fd(11),
        "fee": Fee(TTL_BASED, ttl_field="query_ttl_value"),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "sender_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "oracle_id": Fd(4, _ID),
            "query": Fd(5, _BIN),
            "query_fee": Fd(6),
            "query_ttl_type": Fd(7, _OTTL_TYPE),
            "query_ttl_value": Fd(8),
            "response_ttl_type": Fd(9, _OTTL_TYPE),
            "response_ttl_value": Fd(10),
            "fee": Fd(11),
            "ttl": Fd(12),
        "fee": Fee(TTL_BASED, ttl_field="response_ttl_value"),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "oracle_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "query_id": Fd(4, _ENC, prefix=idf.ORACLE_QUERY_ID),
            "response": Fd(5, _BIN),
            "response_ttl_type": Fd(6, _OTTL_TYPE),
            "response_ttl_value": Fd(7),
            "fee": Fd(8),
            "ttl": Fd(9),
        "fee": Fee(TTL_BASED, ttl_field="oracle_ttl_value"),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "oracle_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "oracle_ttl_type": Fd(4, _OTTL_TYPE),
            "oracle_ttl_value": Fd(5),
            "fee": Fd(6),
            "ttl": Fd(7),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED, base_gas_multiplier=5),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "owner_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "nonce": Fd(3),
            "code": Fd(4, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTECODE),
            "auth_fun": Fd(5, _BIN),
            # "vm_version": Fd(6), # This field is retrieved via abi_version
            "abi_version": Fd(6, _VM_ABI),
            "fee": Fd(7),
            "ttl": Fd(8),
            "gas": Fd(9),
            "gas_price": Fd(10),
            "call_data": Fd(11, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTECODE),  # _binary_decode(tx_native[11]),
        "fee": Fee(SIZE_BASED, base_gas_multiplier=5),
        "schema": {
            "version": Fd(1),
            "ga_id": Fd(2, _ID),
            "auth_data": Fd(3, _ENC, prefix=idf.BYTECODE),
            "abi_version": Fd(4),
            "fee": Fd(5),
            "gas": Fd(6),
            "gas_price": Fd(7),
            "ttl": Fd(8),
            "tx": Fd(9, _TX),

[docs]class TxObject: """ This is a TxObject that is used throughout the SDK for transactions It contains all the info associated to a transaction like transaction data,transaction hash, etx """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.set_data(kwargs.get("data", None)) self.tx = kwargs.get("tx", None) self.hash = kwargs.get("hash", None) self.set_metadata(kwargs.get("metadata", None)) def set_data(self, data): =, _nt_name="TxData") def set_metadata(self, metadata): self.metadata =, _nt_name="TxMeta") def asdict(self): t = dict( data=namedtupled.reduce(, metadata=namedtupled.reduce(self.metadata), tx=self.tx, ) if self.hash is not None: t["hash"] = self.hash if "tx" in t.get("data", {}): t["data"]["tx"] = t["data"]["tx"].asdict() return t
[docs] def get_signatures(self): """ retrieves the list of signatures for a signed transaction, otherwise returns a empty list """ if == idf.OBJECT_TAG_SIGNED_TRANSACTION: return return []
[docs] def get_signature(self, index): """ get the signature at the requested index, or raise type error if there is no such index """ sgs = self.get_signatures() if index < 0 or index >= len(sgs): raise TypeError(f"there is no signature at index {index}") return sgs[index]
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return pprint.pformat(
class TxSigner: """ TxSigner is used to sign transactions """ def __init__(self, account, network_id): if account is None: raise ValueError("Account must be set to sign transactions") if network_id is None: raise ValueError("Network ID must be set to sign transactions") self.account = account self.network_id = network_id def sign_transaction(self, transaction: TxObject, metadata: dict = None) -> str: """ Sign, encode and compute the hash of a transaction :param tx: the TxObject to be signed :param metadata: additional data to include in the output of the signed transaction object :return: encoded_signed_tx, encoded_signature, tx_hash """ # get the transaction as byte list tx_raw = decode(transaction.tx) # sign the transaction signature = self.account.sign(_binary(self.network_id) + tx_raw) # pack and encode the transaction return encode(idf.SIGNATURE, signature) class TxBuilder: """ TxBuilder is used to build and post transactions to the chain. """ def __init__(self, base_gas=defaults.BASE_GAS, gas_per_byte=defaults.GAS_PER_BYTE, gas_price=defaults.GAS_PRICE, key_block_interval=defaults.KEY_BLOCK_INTERVAL): self.base_gas = base_gas self.gas_per_byte = gas_per_byte self.gas_price = gas_price self.key_block_interval = key_block_interval @staticmethod def compute_tx_hash(encoded_tx: str) -> str: """ Generate the hash from a signed and encoded transaction :param encoded_tx: an encoded signed transaction """ tx_raw = decode(encoded_tx) return hash_encode(idf.TRANSACTION_HASH, tx_raw) def compute_min_fee(self, tx_data: dict, tx_descriptor: dict, tx_raw: list) -> int: # if the fee is none means it is not necessary to compute the fee if tx_descriptor.get("fee") is None: return 0 # extract the parameters from the descriptor fee_field_index = tx_descriptor.get("schema").get("fee").index base_gas_multiplier = tx_descriptor.get("fee").base_gas_multiplier fee_type = tx_descriptor.get("fee").fee_type # if the fee is ttl based compute the ttl component ttl_component = 0 if fee_type is TTL_BASED: ttl = tx_data.get(tx_descriptor.get("fee").ttl_field) ttl_component += (math.ceil(32000 * ttl / math.floor(60 * 24 * 365 / self.key_block_interval))) # if the fee is for a ga meta compute the enclosed tx size based fee ga_surplus = 0 if fee_type == GA_META: tx_size = len(tx_raw[tx_descriptor.get("tx").index]) ga_surplus = (self.base_gas * base_gas_multiplier + tx_size * self.gas_per_byte) # begin calculation current_fee, min_fee = -1, defaults.FEE while current_fee != min_fee: # save the min fee into current fee current_fee = min_fee # update the fee value tx_raw[fee_field_index] = _int(current_fee) # first calculate the size part tx_size = len(rlp.encode(tx_raw)) min_fee = self.base_gas * base_gas_multiplier + tx_size * self.gas_per_byte # add the ttl_component min_fee += ttl_component # remove the ga_surplus min_fee -= ga_surplus # finally multiply for gas the gas price min_fee *= self.gas_price return min_fee def _jsontx_to_txobject(self, api_data): """ Transform a dictionary built from a json reply from the node to a transaction object. a the input api_data must be obtained from a /transactions/tx_xyz endpoint. A specific case is the one for signed transactions that in the api are treated in a different ways from other transactions, and their data is mixed with block informations """ # transform the data to a dict since the openapi module maps them to a named tuple tx_data = namedtupled.reduce(api_data) if "signatures" in tx_data: tx_data["tag"] = idf.OBJECT_TAG_SIGNED_TRANSACTION tx_data["type"] = idf.TRANSACTION_TAG_TO_TYPE.get(idf.OBJECT_TAG_SIGNED_TRANSACTION) tx_data["version"] = 1 # signed tx, extract the inner tx tx_data["tx"] = self._jsontx_to_txobject(api_data.tx) tx_data["tag"] = idf.TRANSACTION_TYPE_TO_TAG.get(tx_data.get("type")) # encode th tx in rlp tag = tx_data.get("tag") vsn = tx_data.get("version") # check if we have something descriptor = tx_descriptors.get((tag, vsn)) if descriptor is None: # the transaction is not defined raise TypeError(f"Unknown transaction tag/version: {tag}/{vsn}") # flatten the oracle_ttl fields def flatten_ttl(key, data): ttl = data.pop(key) data[f"{key}_type"] = ttl.get("type") data[f"{key}_value"] = ttl.get("value") if tag == idf.OBJECT_TAG_ORACLE_QUERY_TRANSACTION: flatten_ttl("query_ttl", tx_data) flatten_ttl("response_ttl", tx_data) if tag in [idf.OBJECT_TAG_ORACLE_REGISTER_TRANSACTION, idf.OBJECT_TAG_ORACLE_EXTEND_TRANSACTION]: flatten_ttl("oracle_ttl", tx_data) if tag == idf.OBJECT_TAG_ORACLE_RESPONSE_TRANSACTION: flatten_ttl("response_ttl", tx_data) # do not compute the fee for a signed transaction compute_hash = True if tag == idf.OBJECT_TAG_SIGNED_TRANSACTION else False return self._txdata_to_txobject(tx_data, descriptor, compute_hash=compute_hash) def _txdata_to_txobject(self, data: dict, descriptor: dict, metadata: dict = {}, compute_hash=True) -> TxObject: # initialize the right data size # this is PYTHON to POSTBODY schema = descriptor.get("schema", []) raw_data = [0] * (len(schema) + 1) # the +1 is for the tag # set the tx tag first raw_data[0] = _int(data.get("tag")) # parse fields and encode them for label, fn in schema.items(): if fn.field_type == _INT: raw_data[fn.index] = _int(data.get(label, 0)) elif fn.field_type == _ID: raw_data[fn.index] = _id(data.get(label)) elif fn.field_type == _ENC: raw_data[fn.index] = decode(data.get(label)) elif fn.field_type == _OTTL_TYPE: raw_data[fn.index] = _int(idf.ORACLE_TTL_TYPES.get(data.get(label))) elif fn.field_type == _SG: # signatures are always a list raw_data[fn.index] = [decode(sg) for sg in data.get(label, [])] elif fn.field_type == _VM_ABI: # vm/abi are encoded in the same 32bit length block raw_data[fn.index] = _int(data.get("vm_version")) + _int(data.get("abi_version"), 2) elif fn.field_type == _BIN: # this are binary string #TODO: may be byte array raw_data[fn.index] = _binary(data.get(label)) elif fn.field_type == _PTR: # this are name pointers raw_data[fn.index] = [[_binary(p.get("key")), _id(p.get("id"))] for p in data.get(label, [])] elif fn.field_type == _TX: # this can be raw or tx object tx = data.get(label).tx if hasattr(data.get(label), "tx") else data.get(label) raw_data[fn.index] = decode(tx) # encode the transaction in rlp rlp_tx = rlp.encode(raw_data) # encode the tx in base64 rlp_b64_tx = encode(idf.TRANSACTION, rlp_tx) # copy the data before modifying tx_data = copy.deepcopy(data) # build the tx object txo = TxObject(, _nt_name="TxData"), tx=rlp_b64_tx, ) # compute the tx hash if compute_hash: txo.hash = hash_encode(idf.TRANSACTION_HASH, rlp_tx) # copy the metadata if exists or initialize it if None tx_meta = copy.deepcopy(metadata) if metadata is not None else {} # compute the minimum fee if descriptor.get("fee") is not None: tx_meta["min_fee"] = self.compute_min_fee(data, descriptor, raw_data) # only set the metadata if it is not empty txo.set_metadata(tx_meta) return txo def _rlptx_to_txobject(self, rlp_data: bytes) -> TxObject: """ Transform an rlp encoded byte array transaction to a transaction object """ # decode the rlp raw = rlp.decode(rlp_data) tag = _int_decode(raw[0]) vsn = _int_decode(raw[1]) # TODO: verify that the schema is there descriptor = tx_descriptors.get((tag, vsn)) if descriptor is None: # the transaction is not defined raise TypeError(f"Unknown transaction tag/version: {tag}/{vsn}") schema = descriptor.get("schema") tx_data = {"tag": tag, "type": idf.TRANSACTION_TAG_TO_TYPE.get(tag)} for label, fn in schema.items(): if fn.field_type == _INT: tx_data[label] = _int_decode(raw[fn.index]) if fn.field_type == _ID: tx_data[label] = _id_decode(raw[fn.index]) elif fn.field_type == _ENC: tx_data[label] = encode(fn.encoding_prefix, raw[fn.index]) elif fn.field_type == _OTTL_TYPE: ttl_type = _int_decode(raw[fn.index]) tx_data[fn.index] = idf.ORACLE_TTL_TYPES_REV.get(ttl_type) elif fn.field_type == _SG: # signatures are always a list tx_data[label] = [encode(idf.SIGNATURE, sg) for sg in raw[fn.index]] elif fn.field_type == _VM_ABI: vml = len(raw[fn.index]) # vm/abi are encoded in the same 32bit length block tx_data["vm_version"] = _int_decode(raw[fn.index][0:vml - 2]) tx_data["abi_version"] = _int_decode(raw[fn.index][vml - 2:]) elif fn.field_type == _BIN: # this are byte arrays tx_data[label] = _binary_decode(raw[fn.index], data_type=fn.data_type) elif fn.field_type == _PTR: # this are name pointers tx_data[label] = [{"key": _binary_decode(p[0], data_type=str), "id": _id_decode(p[1])} for p in raw[fn.index]] elif fn.field_type == _TX: # this can be raw or tx object tx_data[label] = self._rlptx_to_txobject(raw[fn.index]) # re-encode the decode object compute_hash = True if tag == idf.OBJECT_TAG_SIGNED_TRANSACTION else False return self._txdata_to_txobject(tx_data, descriptor, compute_hash=compute_hash) def _build_txobject(self, tx_data, metadata={}) -> TxObject: """ function used internally to the TxBuilder to build the transaction and set the defaults when required """ # 1. (namedtuple) from api queries so everything is wrapped around a json object that is a generic signed transaction # 2. (string) from and b64c encoded rlp tx # 3. (dict) from functions of this class tag = tx_data.get("tag") vsn = tx_data.get("version") # check if we have something descriptor = tx_descriptors.get((tag, vsn)) if descriptor is None: # the transaction is not defined raise TypeError(f"Unknown transaction tag/version: {tag}/{vsn}") # build the tx object txo = self._txdata_to_txobject(tx_data, descriptor, metadata=metadata) # check whenever we need to automatically assign the fee # we use -1 as default since for the signed tx there is no field fee if tx_data.get("fee", -1) == 0: tx_data["fee"] = txo.metadata.min_fee txo = self._txdata_to_txobject(tx_data, descriptor, metadata) return txo def parse_node_reply(self, tx_data) -> TxObject: """ Parse a node rest api reply to a transaction object """ # here is the case of a api get, that is a GenericSingedTx # decode the object o a dictionary return self._jsontx_to_txobject(tx_data) def parse_tx_string(self, tx_string) -> TxObject: """ Parse a transaction string to a transaction object """ # it is an encoded tx, happens when there is a tx to decode rlp_data = decode(tx_string) return self._rlptx_to_txobject(rlp_data) def tx_signed(self, signatures: list, tx: TxObject, metadata={}): """ Create a signed transaction. This is a special type of transaction as it wraps a normal transaction adding one or more signature """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_SIGNED_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, signatures=signatures, tx=tx ) return self._build_txobject(body, metadata=metadata) def tx_spend(self, sender_id, recipient_id, amount, payload, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ create a spend transaction :param sender_id: the public key of the sender :param recipient_id: the public key of the recipient :param amount: the amount to send :param payload: the payload associated with the data :param fee: the fee for the transaction :param ttl: the absolute ttl of the transaction :param nonce: the nonce of the transaction """ # use internal endpoints transaction body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_SPEND_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, recipient_id=recipient_id, amount=amount, fee=fee, sender_id=sender_id, payload=encode(idf.BYTE_ARRAY, payload), ttl=ttl, nonce=nonce, ) return self._build_txobject(body) # return self.api.post_spend(body=body).tx # NAMING # def tx_name_preclaim(self, account_id, commitment_id, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ create a preclaim transaction :param account_id: the account registering the name :param commitment_id: the commitment id :param fee: the fee for the transaction :param ttl: the ttl for the transaction :param nonce: the nonce of the account for the transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_NAME_SERVICE_PRECLAIM_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, commitment_id=commitment_id, fee=fee, account_id=account_id, ttl=ttl, nonce=nonce ) return self._build_txobject(body) # return self.api.post_name_preclaim(body=body).tx def tx_name_claim(self, account_id, name, name_salt, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ create a preclaim transaction :param account_id: the account registering the name :param name: the actual name to claim :param name_salt: the salt used to create the commitment_id during preclaim :param fee: the fee for the transaction :param ttl: the ttl for the transaction :param nonce: the nonce of the account for the transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_NAME_SERVICE_CLAIM_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, account_id=account_id, name=name, name_salt=name_salt, fee=fee, ttl=ttl, nonce=nonce ) return self._build_txobject(body) def tx_name_claim_v2(self, account_id, name, name_salt, name_fee, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ create a preclaim transaction :param account_id: the account registering the name :param name: the actual name to claim :param name_salt: the salt used to create the commitment_id during preclaim :param name_fee: the fee bid to claim the name :param fee: the fee for the transaction :param ttl: the ttl for the transaction :param nonce: the nonce of the account for the transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_NAME_SERVICE_CLAIM_TRANSACTION, version=2, account_id=account_id, name=name, name_salt=name_salt, name_fee=name_fee, fee=fee, ttl=ttl, nonce=nonce ) return self._build_txobject(body) def tx_name_update(self, account_id, name_id, pointers, name_ttl, client_ttl, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ create an update transaction :param account_id: the account updating the name :param name_id: the name id :param pointers: the pointers to update to :param name_ttl: the ttl for the name registration :param client_ttl: the ttl for client to cache the name :param fee: the transaction fee :param ttl: the ttl of the transaction :param nonce: the nonce of the account for the transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_NAME_SERVICE_UPDATE_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, account_id=account_id, name_id=name_id, client_ttl=client_ttl, name_ttl=name_ttl, pointers=pointers, ttl=ttl, fee=fee, nonce=nonce ) return self._build_txobject(body) # return self.api.post_name_update(body=body).tx def tx_name_transfer(self, account_id, name_id, recipient_id, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ create a transfer transaction :param account_id: the account transferring the name :param name_id: the name to transfer :param recipient_id: the address of the account to transfer the name to :param fee: the transaction fee :param ttl: the ttl of the transaction :param nonce: the nonce of the account for the transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_NAME_SERVICE_TRANSFER_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, account_id=account_id, name_id=name_id, recipient_id=recipient_id, ttl=ttl, fee=fee, nonce=nonce ) return self._build_txobject(body) # return self.api.post_name_transfer(body=body).tx def tx_name_revoke(self, account_id, name_id, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ create a revoke transaction :param account_id: the account revoking the name :param name_id: the name to revoke :param fee: the transaction fee :param ttl: the ttl of the transaction :param nonce: the nonce of the account for the transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_NAME_SERVICE_REVOKE_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, account_id=account_id, name_id=name_id, ttl=ttl, fee=fee, nonce=nonce ) return self._build_txobject(body) # return self.api.post_name_revoke(body=body).tx # CONTRACTS def tx_contract_create(self, owner_id, code, call_data, amount, deposit, gas, gas_price, vm_version, abi_version, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ Create a contract transaction :param owner_id: the account creating the contract :param code: the binary code of the contract :param call_data: the call data for the contract :param amount: initial amount(balance) of the contract :param deposit: the deposit bound to the contract :param gas: the gas limit for the execution of the limit function :param gas_price: the gas price for the unit of gas :param vm_version: the vm version of the contract :param abi_version: TODO: add definition :param fee: the transaction fee :param ttl: the ttl of the transaction :param nonce: the nonce of the account for the transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_CONTRACT_CREATE_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, owner_id=owner_id, amount=amount, deposit=deposit, fee=fee, gas=gas, gas_price=gas_price, vm_version=vm_version, abi_version=abi_version, call_data=call_data, code=code, ttl=ttl, nonce=nonce ) return self._build_txobject(body) # return tx.tx, tx.contract_id def tx_contract_call(self, caller_id, contract_id, call_data, function, amount, gas, gas_price, abi_version, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ Create a Contract Call transaction :param caller_id: the account creating the contract :param contract_id: the contract to call :param call_data: the call data for the contract :param function: the function to execute :param amount: the amount associated to the transaction call :param gas: the gas limit for the execution of the function :param gas_price: the gas unit price :param abi_version: TODO: add definition :param fee: the transaction fee :param ttl: the ttl of the transaction :param nonce: the nonce of the account for the transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_CONTRACT_CALL_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, call_data=call_data, caller_id=caller_id, contract_id=contract_id, amount=amount, fee=fee, gas=gas, gas_price=gas_price, abi_version=abi_version, ttl=ttl, nonce=nonce ) return self._build_txobject(body) # return self.api.post_contract_call(body=body).tx # ORACLES def tx_oracle_register(self, account_id, query_format, response_format, query_fee, ttl_type, ttl_value, vm_version, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ Create a register oracle transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_ORACLE_REGISTER_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, account_id=account_id, query_format=query_format, response_format=response_format, query_fee=query_fee, oracle_ttl_type=ttl_type, oracle_ttl_value=ttl_value, vm_version=vm_version, fee=fee, ttl=ttl, nonce=nonce ) return self._build_txobject(body) # return tx.tx def tx_oracle_query(self, oracle_id, sender_id, query, query_fee, query_ttl_type, query_ttl_value, response_ttl_type, response_ttl_value, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ Create a oracle query transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_ORACLE_QUERY_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, sender_id=sender_id, oracle_id=oracle_id, response_ttl_type=response_ttl_type, response_ttl_value=response_ttl_value, query=query, query_ttl_type=query_ttl_type, query_ttl_value=query_ttl_value, fee=fee, query_fee=query_fee, ttl=ttl, nonce=nonce, ) return self._build_txobject(body) # tx = self.api.post_oracle_query(body=body) # return tx.tx def tx_oracle_respond(self, oracle_id, query_id, response, response_ttl_type, response_ttl_value, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ Create a oracle response transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_ORACLE_RESPONSE_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, response_ttl_type=response_ttl_type, response_ttl_value=response_ttl_value, oracle_id=oracle_id, query_id=query_id, response=response, fee=fee, ttl=ttl, nonce=nonce, ) return self._build_txobject(body) # tx = self.api.post_oracle_respond(body=body) # return tx.tx def tx_oracle_extend(self, oracle_id, ttl_type, ttl_value, fee, ttl, nonce) -> TxObject: """ Create a oracle extends transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_ORACLE_EXTEND_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, oracle_id=oracle_id, oracle_ttl_type=ttl_type, oracle_ttl_value=ttl_value, fee=fee, ttl=ttl, nonce=nonce, ) return self._build_txobject(body) # tx = self.api.post_oracle_extend(body=body) # return tx.tx def tx_ga_attach(self, owner_id, nonce, code, auth_fun, vm_version, abi_version, fee, ttl, gas, gas_price, call_data) -> TxObject: """ :param owner_id: the owner of the contra :param nonce: the transaction nonce :param code: the bytecode of for the generalized account contract :param auth_fun: the hash of the authorization function of the ga contract :param vm_version: the vm version of the contract :param abi_version: TODO: add definition :param fee: the fee for the transaction :param ttl: the ttl for the transaction """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_GA_ATTACH_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, owner_id=owner_id, nonce=nonce, code=code, auth_fun=auth_fun, vm_version=vm_version, abi_version=abi_version, fee=fee, ttl=ttl, gas=gas, gas_price=gas_price, call_data=call_data, ) return self._build_txobject(body) def tx_ga_meta(self, ga_id, auth_data, abi_version, fee, gas, gas_price, ttl, tx) -> TxObject: """ :param ga_id: the account id :param auth_data: the authorized data :param abi_version: compiler abi version :param fee: transaction fee :param gas: gas limit for the authorization function :param gas_price: the gas prize :param ttl: time to live (in height) of the transaction :param tx: the transaction to be authorized """ body = dict( tag=idf.OBJECT_TAG_GA_META_TRANSACTION, version=idf.VSN, ga_id=ga_id, auth_data=auth_data, abi_version=abi_version, fee=fee, gas=gas, gas_price=gas_price, ttl=ttl, tx=tx, ) return self._build_txobject(body) class TxBuilderDebug: def __init__(self, api: OpenAPICli): """ :param native: if the transactions should be built by the sdk (True) or requested to the debug api (False) """ if api is None: raise ValueError("A initialized api rest client has to be provided to build a transaction using the node internal API ") self.api = api