Source code for aeternity.node

import logging
import time
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import namedtupled

from aeternity.signing import Account
from aeternity.openapi import OpenAPIClientException
from aeternity import aens, openapi, transactions, contract, oracles, defaults, identifiers, exceptions, utils, hashing, compiler
from aeternity.exceptions import TransactionWaitTimeoutExpired, TransactionHashMismatch
from aeternity import __node_compatibility__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Config:
[docs] def __init__(self, external_url='http://localhost:3013', internal_url='http://localhost:3113', websocket_url='http://localhost:3014', force_compatibility=False, **kwargs): """ Initialize a configuration object to be used with the NodeClient :param external_url: the node external url :param internal_url: the node internal url :param websocket_url: the node websocket url :param force_compatibility: ignore node version compatibility check (default False) :param `**kwargs`: see below Kwargs: :blocking_mode (bool): whenever to block the execution when broadcasting a transaction until the transaction is mined in the chain, default: False :tx_gas_per_byte (int): the amount of gas per byte used to calculate the transaction fees, [optional, default: defaults.GAS_PER_BYTE] :tx_base_gas (int): the amount of gas per byte used to calculate the transaction fees, [optional, default: defaults.BASE_GAS] :tx_gas_price (int): the gas price used to calculate the transaction fees, it is set by consensus but can be increased by miners [optional, default: defaults.GAS_PRICE] :network_id (str): the id of the network that is the target for the transactions, if not provided it will be automatically selected by the client :contract_gas (int): default gas limit to be used for contract calls, [optional, default: defaults.CONTRACT_GAS] :contract_gas_price (int): default gas price used for contract calls, [optional, default: defaults.CONTRACT_GAS_PRICE] :oracle_ttl_type (int): default oracle ttl type :key_block_interval (int): the key block interval in minutes :key_block_confirmation_num (int): the number of key blocks to consider a transaction confirmed :poll_tx_max_retries (int): max poll retries when checking if a transaction has been included :poll_tx_retries_interval (int): the interval in seconds between retries :poll_block_max_retries (int): TODO :poll_block_retries_interval (int): TODO :debug (bool): TODO """ # endpoint URLs self.api_url = external_url self.api_url_internal = internal_url self.websocket_url = websocket_url self.force_compatibility = force_compatibility self.blocking_mode = kwargs.get("blocking_mode", False) # defaults # TODO: pass defaults to the tx builder self.tx_gas_per_byte = kwargs.get("tx_gas_per_byte", defaults.GAS_PER_BYTE) self.tx_base_gas = kwargs.get("tx_base_gas", defaults.BASE_GAS) self.tx_gas_price = kwargs.get("tx_gas_price", defaults.GAS_PRICE) # get the version self.network_id = kwargs.get("network_id", None) # contracts defaults self.contract_gas = kwargs.get("contract_gas", defaults.CONTRACT_GAS) self.contract_gas_price = kwargs.get("contract_gas_price", defaults.CONTRACT_GAS_PRICE) # oracles default self.oracle_ttl_type = kwargs.get("oracle_ttl_type", defaults.ORACLE_TTL_TYPE) # chain defaults self.key_block_interval = kwargs.get("key_block_interval", defaults.KEY_BLOCK_INTERVAL) self.key_block_confirmation_num = kwargs.get("key_block_confirmation_num", defaults.KEY_BLOCK_CONFIRMATION_NUM) # tuning self.poll_tx_max_retries = kwargs.get("poll_tx_max_retries", defaults.POLL_TX_MAX_RETRIES) self.poll_tx_retries_interval = kwargs.get("poll_tx_retries_interval", defaults.POLL_TX_RETRIES_INTERVAL) self.poll_block_max_retries = kwargs.get("poll_block_max_retries", defaults.POLL_BLOCK_MAX_RETRIES) self.poll_block_retries_interval = kwargs.get("poll_block_retries_interval", defaults.POLL_BLOCK_RETRIES_INTERVAL) # debug self.debug = kwargs.get("debug", False)
def __str__(self): return f'ws:{self.websocket_url} ext:{self.api_url} int:{self.api_url_internal}'
[docs]class NodeClient: def __init__(self, config=Config()): """ Initialize a new EpochClient :param config: the configuration to use or empty for default (default None) """ self.config = config # determine how the transaction are going to be created # if running offline they are forced to be native # shall the client work in blocking mode # instantiate the api client self.api = openapi.OpenAPICli(url=config.api_url, url_internal=config.api_url_internal, debug=config.debug, force_compatibility=config.force_compatibility, compatibility_version_range=__node_compatibility__) # instantiate the transaction builder object self.tx_builder = transactions.TxBuilder( base_gas=config.tx_base_gas, gas_per_byte=config.tx_gas_per_byte, gas_price=config.tx_gas_price, key_block_interval=config.key_block_interval ) # network id if self.config.network_id is None: self.config.network_id = self.api.get_status().network_id # enable composition def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.api, attr)
[docs] def compute_absolute_ttl(self, relative_ttl): """ Compute the absolute ttl by adding the ttl to the current height of the chain :param relative_ttl: the relative ttl, if 0 will set the ttl to 0 """ ttl = dict( absolute_ttl=0, height=self.get_current_key_block_height(), ) if relative_ttl > 0: ttl["absolute_ttl"] = ttl["height"] + relative_ttl ttl["estimated_expiration"] = + timedelta(minutes=self.config.key_block_interval * relative_ttl) return, _nt_name="TTL")
[docs] def get_next_nonce(self, account_address): """ Get the next nonce to be used for a transaction for an account :param node: the node client :return: the next nonce for an account """ try: account = self.api.get_account_by_pubkey(pubkey=account_address) return account.nonce + 1 except Exception: return 1
def _get_nonce_ttl(self, account_address: str, relative_ttl: int): """ Helper method to compute both absolute ttl and nonce for an account :return: (nonce, ttl) """ ttl = self.compute_absolute_ttl(relative_ttl).absolute_ttl if relative_ttl > 0 else 0 nonce = self.get_next_nonce(account_address) return nonce, ttl
[docs] def get_top_block(self): """ Override the native method to transform the get top block response object to a Block :return: a block (either key block or micro block) """ b = self.api.get_top_block() return b.key_block if hasattr(b, 'key_block') else b.micro_block
[docs] def get_block_by_hash(self, hash=None): """ Retrieve a key block or a micro block header based on the block hash_prefix :param block_hash: either a key block or micro block hash :return: the block matching the hash """ block = None if hash is None: return block if hash.startswith(f"{identifiers.KEY_BLOCK_HASH}_"): # key block block = self.api.get_key_block_by_hash(hash=hash) elif hash.startswith(f"{identifiers.MICRO_BLOCK_HASH}_"): # micro block block = self.api.get_micro_block_header_by_hash(hash=hash) return block
[docs] def broadcast_transaction(self, tx: transactions.TxObject): """ Post a transaction to the chain and verify that the hash match the local calculated hash It blocks for a period of time to wait for the transaction to be included if in blocking_mode :param tx: the transaction to broadcast :return: the transaction hash of the transaction :raises TransactionHashMismatch: if the transaction hash returned by the node is different from the one calculated """ reply = self.post_transaction(body={"tx": tx.tx}) if reply.tx_hash != tx.hash: raise TransactionHashMismatch(f"Transaction hash doesn't match, expected {tx.hash} got {reply.tx_hash}") if self.config.blocking_mode: self.wait_for_transaction(reply.tx_hash) return reply.tx_hash
[docs] def sign_transaction(self, account: Account, tx: transactions.TxObject, metadata: dict = {}, **kwargs) -> transactions.TxObject: """ The function sign a transaction to be broadcast to the chain. It automatically detect if the account is Basic or GA and return the correct transaction to be broadcast. :param account: the account signing the transaction :param tx: the transaction to be signed :param metadata: additional metadata to maintain in the TxObject :param `**kwargs`: for GA accounts, see below Kwargs: :auth_data (str): the encoded calldata for the GA auth function :gas (int): the gas limit for the GA auth function [optional] :gas_price (int): the gas price for the GA auth function [optional] :fee (int): the fee for the GA transaction [optional, automatically calculated] :abi_version (int): the abi_version to select FATE or AEVM [optional, default 3/FATE] :ttl (str): the transaction ttl expressed in relative number of blocks [optional, default 0/max_ttl]: :return: a TxObject of the signed transaction or metat transaction for GA :raises TypeError: if the auth_data is missing and the account is GA :raises TypeError: if the gas for auth_func is gt defaults.GA_MAX_AUTH_FUN_GAS """ # first retrieve the account from the node # so we can check if it is generalized or not on_chain_account = self.get_account(account.get_address()) # if the account is not generalized sign and return the transaction if not on_chain_account.is_generalized(): s = transactions.TxSigner(account, self.config.network_id) signature = s.sign_transaction(tx, metadata) return self.tx_builder.tx_signed([signature], tx, metadata=metadata) # if the account is generalized then prepare the ga_meta_tx # 1. wrap the tx into a signed tx (without signatures) sg_tx = self.tx_builder.tx_signed([], tx) # 2. wrap the tx into a ga_meta_tx # get the absolute ttl ttl = self.compute_absolute_ttl(kwargs.get("ttl", defaults.TX_TTL)).absolute_ttl # get abi version _, abi = self.get_vm_abi_versions() # check that the parameter auth_data is provided auth_data = kwargs.get("auth_data") if auth_data is None: raise TypeError("the auth_data parameter is required for ga accounts") # verify the gas amount TODO: add a tx verification gas = kwargs.get("gas", defaults.GA_MAX_AUTH_FUN_GAS) if gas > defaults.GA_MAX_AUTH_FUN_GAS: raise TypeError(f"the maximum gas value for ga auth_fun is {defaults.GA_MAX_AUTH_FUN_GAS}, got {gas}") # build the ga_sg_tx = self.tx_builder.tx_ga_meta( account.get_address(), auth_data, kwargs.get("abi_version", abi), kwargs.get("fee", defaults.FEE), gas, kwargs.get("gas_price", defaults.CONTRACT_GAS_PRICE), ttl, sg_tx ) # 3. wrap the the ga into a signed transaction sg_ga_sg_tx = self.tx_builder.tx_signed([], ga_sg_tx, metadata=metadata) return sg_ga_sg_tx
[docs] def get_account(self, address: str) -> Account: """ Retrieve an account by it's public key """ if not utils.is_valid_hash(address, identifiers.ACCOUNT_ID): raise TypeError(f"Input {address} is not a valid aeternity address") remote_account = self.get_account_by_pubkey(pubkey=address) return Account.from_node_api(remote_account)
[docs] def get_balance(self, account) -> int: """ Retrieve the balance of an account, return 0 if the account has not balance :param account: either an account address or a signing.Account object :return: the account balance or 0 if the account is not known to the network """ address = account.get_address() if isinstance(account, Account) else account try: return self.get_account(address).balance except Exception: return 0
def get_transaction(self, transaction_hash): # TODO: continue if not utils.is_valid_hash(transaction_hash, identifiers.TRANSACTION_HASH): raise TypeError(f"Input {transaction_hash} is not a valid aeternity address") tx = self.get_transaction_by_hash(hash=transaction_hash) return self.tx_builder.parse_node_reply(tx)
[docs] def spend(self, account: Account, recipient_id: str, amount, payload: str = "", fee: int = defaults.FEE, tx_ttl: int = defaults.TX_TTL) -> transactions.TxObject: """ Create and execute a spend transaction, automatically retrieve the nonce for the siging account and calculate the absolut ttl. :param account: the account signing the spend transaction (sender) :param recipient_id: the recipient address or name_id :param amount: the amount to spend :param payload: the payload for the transaction :param fee: the fee for the transaction (automatically calculated if not provided) :param tx_ttl: the transaction ttl expressed in relative number of blocks :return: the TxObject of the transaction :raises TypeError: if the recipient_id is not a valid name_id or address """ if utils.is_valid_aens_name(recipient_id): recipient_id = hashing.name_id(recipient_id) elif not utils.is_valid_hash(recipient_id, prefix="ak"): raise TypeError("Invalid recipient_id. Please provide a valid AENS name or account pub_key.") # parse amount and fee amount, fee = utils._amounts_to_aettos(amount, fee) # retrieve the nonce account.nonce = self.get_next_nonce(account.get_address()) if account.nonce == 0 else account.nonce + 1 # retrieve ttl tx_ttl = self.compute_absolute_ttl(tx_ttl) # build the transaction tx = self.tx_builder.tx_spend(account.get_address(), recipient_id, amount, payload, fee, tx_ttl.absolute_ttl, account.nonce) # get the signature tx = self.sign_transaction(account, tx) # post the signed transaction transaction self.broadcast_transaction(tx) return tx
[docs] def wait_for_transaction(self, tx_hash, max_retries=None, polling_interval=None): """ Wait for a transaction to be mined for an account The method will wait for a specific transaction to be included in the chain, it will return False if one of the following conditions are met: - the chain reply with a 404 not found (the transaction was expunged) - the account nonce is >= of the transaction nonce (transaction is in an illegal state) - the ttl of the transaction or the one passed as parameter has been reached :param tx_hash: the hash of the transaction to wait for :param max_retries: the maximum number of retries to test for transaction :param polling_interval: the interval between transaction polls :return: the block height of the transaction if it has been found :raises TransactionWaitTimeoutExpired: if the transaction hasn't been found """ retries = max_retries if max_retries is not None else self.config.poll_tx_max_retries interval = polling_interval if polling_interval is not None else self.config.poll_tx_retries_interval if retries <= 0: raise ValueError("Retries must be greater than 0") # start polling n = 1 total_sleep = 0 # tx_height = -1 while True: # query the transaction try: tx = self.get_transaction_by_hash(hash=tx_hash) # get the account nonce except OpenAPIClientException as e: # it may fail because it is not found that means that # or it was invalid or the ttl has expired reason = e.reason if hasattr(e, "reason") else "Timeout expired" raise TransactionWaitTimeoutExpired(tx_hash=tx_hash, reason=reason) # if the tx.block_height >= min_block_height we are ok if tx.block_height >= 0: tx_height = tx.block_height break if n >= retries: raise TransactionWaitTimeoutExpired(tx_hash=tx_hash, reason=f"The transaction was not included in {total_sleep} seconds, wait aborted") # calculate sleep time sleep_time = (interval ** n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000.0) time.sleep(sleep_time) total_sleep += sleep_time # increment n n += 1 return tx_height
[docs] def wait_for_confirmation(self, tx_hash, max_retries=None, polling_interval=None): """ Wait for a transaction to be confirmed by at least "key_block_confirmation_num" blocks (default 3) The amount of blocks can be configured in the Config object using key_block_confirmation_num parameter :param tx_hash: the hash of the transaction to wait for :param max_retries: the maximum number of retries to test for transaction :param polling_interval: the interval between transaction polls :return: the block height of the transaction if it has been found """ # first wait for the transaction to be found tx_height = self.wait_for_transaction(tx_hash) # now calculate the min block height min_block_height = tx_height + self.config.key_block_confirmation_num # get teh retries = max_retries if max_retries is not None else self.config.poll_block_max_retries interval = polling_interval if polling_interval is not None else self.config.poll_block_retries_interval if retries <= 0 or interval <= 0: raise ValueError("max_retries and polling_interval must be greater than 0") # start polling n = 1 total_sleep = 0 while True: current_height = self.get_current_key_block_height() # if the tx.block_height >= min_block_height we are ok if current_height >= min_block_height: break if n >= retries: raise TransactionWaitTimeoutExpired(tx_hash=tx_hash, reason=f"The transaction was not included in {total_sleep} seconds, wait aborted") # calculate sleep time time.sleep(interval) total_sleep += interval # increment n n += 1 return tx_height
[docs] def transfer_funds(self, account: Account, recipient_id: str, percentage: float, payload: str = "", tx_ttl: int = defaults.TX_TTL, fee: int = defaults.FEE, include_fee=True): """ Create and execute a spend transaction """ if utils.is_valid_aens_name(recipient_id): recipient_id = hashing.name_id(recipient_id) elif not utils.is_valid_hash(recipient_id, prefix="ak"): raise TypeError("Invalid recipient_id. Please provide a valid AENS name or account pub_key.") if percentage < 0 or percentage > 1: raise ValueError(f"Percentage should be a number between 0 and 1, got {percentage}") # parse amounts fee = utils.amount_to_aettos(fee) # retrieve the balance account_on_chain = self.get_account_by_pubkey(pubkey=account.get_address()) request_transfer_amount = int(account_on_chain.balance * percentage) # retrieve the nonce account.nonce = account_on_chain.nonce + 1 # retrieve ttl tx_ttl = self.compute_absolute_ttl(tx_ttl) # build the transaction tx = self.tx_builder.tx_spend(account.get_address(), recipient_id, request_transfer_amount, payload, fee, tx_ttl.absolute_ttl, account.nonce) # if the request_transfer_amount should include the fee keep calculating the fee if include_fee: amount = request_transfer_amount while (amount + > request_transfer_amount: amount = request_transfer_amount - tx = self.tx_builder.tx_spend(account.get_address(), recipient_id, amount, payload, fee, tx_ttl.absolute_ttl, account.nonce) # execute the transaction tx = self.sign_transaction(account, tx) # post the transaction self.broadcast_transaction(tx) return tx
[docs] def get_consensus_protocol_version(self, height: int = None) -> int: """ Get the consensus protocol version number :param height: the height to get the protocol version for, if None the current height will be used :return: the version """ if height is None: height = self.get_current_key_block_height() if height < 0: raise ValueError("height must be a number >= 0") status = self.get_status() effective_at_height = -1 version = 0 for p in status.protocols: if height >= p.effective_at_height and p.effective_at_height > effective_at_height: version, effective_at_height = p.version, p.effective_at_height return version
[docs] def verify(self, encoded_tx: str) -> transactions.TxObject: """ Unpack and verify an encoded transaction """ decoded = self.tx_builder.parse_tx_string(encoded_tx) return decoded
[docs] def get_vm_abi_versions(self): """ Check the version of the node and retrieve the correct values for abi and vm version """ protocol_version = self.get_consensus_protocol_version() protocol_abi_vm = identifiers.PROTOCOL_ABI_VM.get(protocol_version) if protocol_abi_vm is None: raise exceptions.UnsupportedNodeVersion(f"Version {self.api_version} is not supported") return (protocol_abi_vm.get("vm"), protocol_abi_vm.get("abi"))
[docs] def account_basic_to_ga(self, account: Account, ga_contract: str, calldata: str, auth_fun: str = defaults.GA_AUTH_FUNCTION, fee=defaults.FEE, tx_ttl: int = defaults.TX_TTL, gas: int = defaults.CONTRACT_GAS, gas_price=defaults.CONTRACT_GAS_PRICE) -> transactions.TxObject: """ Transform a Basic to a GA (Generalized Account) :param account: the account to transform :param ga_contract: the compiled contract associated to the GA :param calldata: the calldata for the authentication function :param auth_fun: the name of the contract function to use for authorization (default: authorize) :param gas: the gas limit for the authorization function execution :param gas_price: the gas price for the contract execution :param fee: TODO :param ttl: TODO :return: the TxObject of the transaction :raises TypeError: if the auth_fun is missing :raises TypeError: if the auth_fun is no found in the contract """ # check the auth_fun name if auth_fun is None or len(auth_fun) == 0: raise TypeError("The parameter auth_fun is required") # parse amounts fee, gas_price = utils._amounts_to_aettos(fee, gas_price) # decode the contract and search for the authorization function auth_fun_hash = None contract_data = compiler.CompilerClient.decode_bytecode(ga_contract) if len(contract_data.type_info) == 0: # TODO: we assume is a FATE env, but is a bit weak auth_fun_hash = hashing.hash(auth_fun.encode('utf-8')) for ti in contract_data.type_info: if ti.fun_name == auth_fun: auth_fun_hash = ti.fun_hash # if the function is not found then raise an error if auth_fun_hash is None: raise TypeError(f"Authorization function not found: '{auth_fun}'") # get the nonce nonce = self.get_next_nonce(account.get_address()) # compute the ttl ttl = self.compute_absolute_ttl(tx_ttl).absolute_ttl # get abi and vm version vm_version, abi_version = self.get_vm_abi_versions() # build the transaction tx = self.tx_builder.tx_ga_attach( account.get_address(), nonce, ga_contract, auth_fun_hash, vm_version, abi_version, fee, ttl, gas, gas_price, calldata ) # sign the transaction tx = self.sign_transaction(account, tx) # broadcast the transaction self.broadcast_transaction(tx) return tx
# support naming def AEName(self, domain): return aens.AEName(domain, client=self) # support oracles def Oracle(self): return oracles.Oracle(self) def OracleQuery(self, oracle_id, query_id=None): return oracles.OracleQuery(self, oracle_id, id=query_id) # support contract def Contract(self, **kwargs): return contract.Contract(client=self, **kwargs)